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EGNRET 60 Meeting

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

08:30-09:00 Registration  
09:00-09:10 Official Welcome Chinese Taipei (Host Economy)
09:10-09:15 Opening Remarks EGNRET Chair
09:15-09:25 Group Photo  
09:25-09:35 Adoption of Meeting Agenda EGNRET Chair
09:35-09:55 Host Economy Presentation Chinese Taipei
09:55-10:25 Coffee Break  
10:25-10:40 APEC Secretariat Update APEC Secretariat
10:40-10:55 EWG Update EWG
10:55-11:10 EGNRET Update EGNRET
11:10-11:25 EGCFE Update EGCFE
11:25-11:40 EGEDA Update EGEDA
11:40-11:55 EGEEC Update  EGEEC
11:55-13:30 Lunch Break  
13:30-13:45 Progress on APEC Energy Goals and Development in APEC Region APERC
13:45-14:55 Presentation on Meeting Theme: Policy Making and Technologies Deployment of New and Renewable Energy to Achieve APEC Doubling Goal Members  (10 mins each)
14:55-15:25 Coffee Break  
15:25-16:35 Presentation on Meeting Theme: Policy Making and Technologies Deployment of New and Renewable Energy to Achieve APEC Doubling Goal Members (10 mins each)
16:35-16:40 Adjourn EGNRET Chair

Thursday, April 25, 2024

08:30-09:00 Registration  
09:00-09:15 APERC Activities APERC
09:15-09:30 APSEC Updates  APSEC
09:30-09:45 IRENA Presentation IRENA
09:45-10:00 Submission Process and Progress of EGNRET Projects EGNRET Secretariat
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break  
10:30-11:40 EGNRET Project Updates
  • New Concept Notes and Project Proposals
  • On-going Projects
  • Completed Projects
Members (10 Mins Each)
11:40-12:00 EGNRET Administration and Operation 
  • Terms of Reference
  • Coming Events (e.g. EGNRET 61)
  • Timeline for Next Chair and Vice Chair Selection
EGNRET Secretariat
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break  
13:30-14:30 Discussion on: Key Areas for Cross-Fora Future Collaboration  EGNRET EGCFE EGEDA  EGEEC  (5-10 Mins Each)
14:30-15:00 Coffee Break  
15:00-15:30 Global Trends in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency IEA
15:30-15:40 EGNRET Report EGNRET Secretariat
15:40-15:45 Closing Remarks  Chinese Taipei
15:45-15:50 Adjourn EGNRET Chair