Meeting Documents: EGNRET 40 April 2-5, 2013 Ha Noi, Viet Nam Title Document Download [A1] EGNRET 40 Administrative Circular [A2] EGNRET 40 Agenda [A3] ENGRET 40 Summary Record [C1] Introduction and Adoption of Agenda [C2] Recent APEC Activities [C3] Progress/Status of Current EGNRET Projects [C4] Notes on APEC Project Submission Process [C5] Development of New Project for Session 2, 2013 [P1] New Project Proposal Presentation-Thailand [P2] New Project Proposal Presentation-China [C6] EGNRET Administration & Operations [G1A] Peer Review on Low-Carbon Energy Supply (PRLCE) (APERC) [G1B] APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook (5th Ed.) (APERC) [G2] Overview of Low-Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Task Force Activities (LCMT TF) [G3] Observed New and Renewable Data in APEC and IEA (EGEDA) [G4] Establishing the REPAN – Renewable Energy Policy Advice Network (IRENA) Member Economy Presentations: Integrating New and Renewable Energy into the Grid in the APEC Member Economies [E1] Overview of Renewable Energy in Viet Nam [E2] China [E3] Hong Kong, China [E4] Indonesia [E5] Korea [E6] Malaysia [E7] Chinese Taipei [E8] Thailand [E9] USA