Meeting Documents: EGNRET 41 October 14-19, 2013 Beijing, China Title Document Download [A1] EGNRET 41 Administrative Circular [A2] EGNRET 41 Agenda [A3] ENGRET 41 Summary Record [C1] Introduction and Adoption of Agenda [C2] Recent APEC Activities [C3] Economy Presentations [C4] Progress/Status of Current EGNRET Projects [C5] Notes on APEC Project Submission Process [C6] Development of New Project for Session 1, 2014 [P0] Project Proposal Update - USA (Session 3, 2013) (presented by ICA) [P1] New Project CN Presentation - China (Part 1) (1 project) [P2] New Project CN Presentation - China (Part 2) (4 projects) [C7] EGNRET Administration & Operations [G1] The Progress of Peer Review on Low-Carbon Energy Policies (PRLCE) in APEC (APERC) [G2] Report on Progress of APEC Low-Carbon Model Town Task Force (LCMT TF) [G3] ICA’s Programs on Renewable Energy (ICA) Member Economy Presentations: Current New and Renewable Energy Priorities in APEC Member Economies [E01] Overview of Renewable Energy in China [E02] Hong Kong, China [E03] Indonesia [E04] Japan [E05] Korea [E06] Malaysia [E07] Philippines [E08] Chinese Taipei [E09] Thailand [E10] USA [E11] APEC