Title |
Documents |
S.0.0 Workshop Agenda |
Session 1: Plenary Session |
S.1.1 Workshop overview and expected
outcomes |
S.1.2 Overview of EGNRET projects
S.1.3 Current status and future
plans on renewable energy
electricity sources in Viet Nam |
S.1.4 Small hydro as part of a clean
energy portfolio |
S.1.5 Renewable energy electricity
generation outlook in the APEC
region and related issues on Viet
Nam |
S.1.6 Small hydro and smart grid
integration |
S.1.7 Current problems faced in Viet
Nam associated with the integration
of small hydro into electric grid
Viet Nam |
Session 2: Current Status and
Development Plan for Grid Small
Hydro Power in APEC Economies -
Identify Potential, Barriers and
Measures to Overcome Barriers in the
Future |
S.2.1 Current status and development
plan for grid small hydro power in
Viet Nam |
S.2.2 Current Status &
Development Plan for Small Hydro
Power in Malaysia |
S.2.3 Roadmap for Hydropower
Development in the Philippines |
S.2.4 Grid Small Hydro Power
Development in Indonesia |
S.2.5 Current status and Development
Plan for Grid Small Hydro Power in
Thailand |
Session 3: Issues on Grid
Integration of Small Scale RE
Electricity in APEC Economies -
Electric Utilities Perspective |
S.3.1 Interconnection of wind power
onto the Vietnamese power grid |
S.3.2 Standards and Technical
Considerations for Small Scale
Energy Projects into the Grid |
S.3.3 Issues on grid integration of
small scale RE electricity in APEC
Economies—Electric Utilities
Perspective |
S.3.4 Issues on Grid Integration of
Small Hydro in Indonesia |
S.3.5 Community PV-DC Microgrid |
S.3.6 Current status and development
for grid integration of small scale
RE electricity in China |
S.3.7 Renewable System Integration
Overview |
S.3.8 Smart Grid Master Plan in
Chinese Taipei |